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Introducing The Read Out!

Reimagine the Book Club

The Teach Out's Coolest Sibling

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The Read Out is a monthly book based gathering, designed as a companion project to The Teach Out.


Hosted once per month, each gathering will focus its time and conversation around one book for one gathering. Books may come from any genre including fiction, creative nonfiction, biography, nonfiction, poetry, and more. [The Read Out is always open for book suggestions! Send them here!] 


Gatherings will include time discussing the text itself, the book's emergence in culture, and the ways the stories we interact with open our aperture for thinking about architecture necessary for building more just, free, and stronger communities.


How is our imagination shaped by what we see and read?


How do our imaginations contribute to the communities we build?


Joyful discussions for passionate, curious people.


Gatherings are, and always will be, open to all! 


The only requirements for attendance? Read the book. And, come ready for an evening of delightful community and good conversation.


All meetings hosted on Zoom, for now, to provide the greatest accessibility for all participants and interlocutors across the globe - and taking COVID-19's evolving dynamics into account.


RSVP below, each month, to receive the link.

Our Guiding Principles for The Read Out...

  • Reading is Communal

                  Conversations and knowledges around books flourish when we get a chance to read in community, together. There’s a history in this country, and others, of starving people of knowledge (and robbing them of access to books) when those with disproportionate power want to control a community of people. Reading together is a radical act of community, of love, and of joy.


  • Be Curious

                  It’s always great to share what we dwell on, question, and think about when we read together. We can inform each other, grow each other’s knowledge and thoughts, and help each other connect to and get more from what we read when we dive into the books we read with unabashed curiosity.


  • Listen as a Practice

                  We can thrive from a wide variety of perspectives in a book gathering. It’s often productive to seek out a swath of views, from a broad group of people around us, when we are in community. It also offers us much when we attune ourselves to the texts, and authors, we read. Listening to others, and to texts, as we read together and process what we read, is a practice. It is a practice from which we can learn and grow our own exercises of self/communal care, connection, practices of justice, and learning.


  • Be Real

                  We should not degrade gatherings and discussions with spam or personal links (without permission). We should always ask permission before sharing the comments or experiences of fellow interlocutors on other platforms. Finally, we should strive to bring our full selves, presence, and attention to each two hour gathering, once a month, and to the books and works we read and discuss.

Fourth Book Selection...
Billy Porter's Unprotected


When:                   Wednesday, March 16 from 6:30-8:30pm PST

Where:                  Zoom-land 

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Notes: 1) Trigger warning for sexual abuse of a minor (as recounted by the survivor). 2) The audiobook is read by the author, which can be a revelation for memoirs.

When:                   Monday, December 27 from 6:30-8:30pm PST

Where:                  Zoom-land 

How do I join?      RSVP closed for this meeting. Stay tuned for the next

Read Out event!

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“With The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois, Jeffers has created an opus, an indelible entry to the canon of contemporary American literature and one of the foundational fictional texts of Black literature worthy of sitting alongside Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Jesmyn Ward’s Sing, Unburied, Sing.”

-Latria Graham, Atlanta Journal-Constitution 

When:                   Wednesday, September 2 from 6:30-8:30pm PST

Where:                  Zoom-land 

How do I join?      RSVP are closed for this meeting. Stay tuned for the next Read Out event!

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First Book Selection...
Robert Jones Jr's The Prophets

When:                   Monday, June 21 from 6:30-8:30pm PST

Where:                  Zoom-land 

How do I join?      RSVPs are currently closed for this meeting. Tune in for our August selection!

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