Teach Out Gathering Time
Sunday, December 4. 5:00-7:00pm PST
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/91255451845
Meeting ID: 912 5545 1845
landscapes of the american experience:
hope, reflection, & how we build democracy beyond 2022
The Undocumented Americans...Narratives from beyond the DREAM
our weekly guide
1. Karla Cornejo Villavicencio, The Undocumented Americans, Chapter One, Staten Island
A Short Review of Histories of the DREAM Act & DACA
Interview between Dr. Albert Laguna, Associate Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity, Race, & Migration at Yale University and Karla Villavicencio, January 2021 (WARNING: some discussion of the whole book, throughout, so if you haven't read it all, you've been warned!)
our weekly outro